November 2018

The Xinhai Revolution of 1911 not only shook the Chinese politics but also stirred the artistic world. The rise of the Lingnan School in the south can be traced to the brothers Ju Chao and Ju Lian, who were the leading figures of the artistic movement. The best known “Two Gaos and One Chen” refer to the most significant artists...

Plant‧Planting: the perception of genealogy “To be is to be perceived” --- George Berkeley   The term “subject” has become the key word for cross-field studies in modern societies. Particularly with the development of civilisation of men, the “subject” has been the theme of various studies and discussions. The natural disasters and distinctions of many species have been the concerns of academic scholars...

Should we Play? Writen by/ Curator: Yu-Chuan Tseng   “Play” is to take part in a game or to activate. “Should we Play?” That is the question.   During a typhoon, adults are worried about the possible damage caused by the storm but kids always find their way to play with shadows by the candlelight in the darkness, creating their own stories and fantasies of monsters. ...